Monday, August 25, 2008

Abby's First Day

Well, today is officially Abby's first day of Kindergarten and Mom is doing fine. Abby got to meet her teacher last Thursday. They have a couple of hedgehogs in the class (I had never seen a hedgehog before). That was the biggest hit with Abby. Anyway, pictures and maybe some video will follow shortly.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

Hope you all enjoy

Thursday, February 28, 2008

It has been awhile

Wow, the month of February has flown by and we have not been very good at posting like we should. After we returned from California, we spent a lot of time just trying to restore some form of "normalcy". We haven't been very successful. My brother, Matt, and his family passed through Texas on their way to California and got to spend about a week visiting with family here. The left here and allowed us to spend the weekend at the time-share that they were using during their visit. It was a very nice place and we all had a wonderful time. When we left there ,Danielle and I commented on how nice it was to have a vacation for the sake of a vacation. We did not have any agenda that we were trying to accomplish. Abigail, took the opportunity to swim in the pool and Danielle got to go visit the spa.

Other than those events, we have just stayed busy with work. My how work seems to just always be there. Hopefully, we will have some opportunity to go do some car shopping. Danielle is in serious need of a new car. For some reason, the two door Honda Civic coupe just doesn't seem sufficient for a family of four. We had to pack every square inch of her trunk just to get us all down to San Antonio for a weekend. The four cars currently on our list are the Honda Odyssey and Pilot and the Toyota Highlander (hybrid) and Sienna. The Odyssey seems to be winning in the polls currently.

I will try and post some pictures soon and get back onto the regular posting onto this site, even if it is just a post to say "Hi". We are off to do the follow up appointment for the tubes that were put into Megan's ears. See, we stay busy all the time.

Hope you are all well.

Monday, February 4, 2008

In Memory of Kathryn Swanson

We have joined family in California to celebrate the life of our beloved Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and friend. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cool New Site

We have just signed up and have started using a menu planning website.  I really like it.  It comes up with a nice menu of great tasting, fast and easy to prepare meals.  It also includes the shopping list broken out by grocery store departments.  They identify how much of each ingredient you need for each different menu item so that you can eliminate the amount you buy of each if you decide to not cook all the meals they had planned for you.  The site is:  Check it out when you get a chance.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Megan has an appointment to get tubes put in next Tuesday. Poor girl still shows no sign of her ears bothering her.

Kimo's Celebrity

So Danielle hangs out with Hollywood stars, Kimo stays a little more low key. Today, I met Mr. Hill-Bert, the owner of a local hamburger chain with 3 Austin locations. Hopefully, there aren't any cardiac doctors reading this because I'm sure the burgers aren't the healthiest but, they sure are tasty.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Abby has a new teacher for her PE class (Strech-n-grow). Apparently, her name is Marguerite. I don't know where the song has come from but, she is singing "one little, two little, three little Marguerite..." to the tune of "One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians". Danielle and I selectively heard margarritas in the song and thought Abby had an excellent idea. In fact, the blender would be working overtime if we only had the mix. I have a new item to add to this weekend's shopping list.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tubes For The New Year

Well Megan can't seem to get rid of her ear infection(s). Our doctor has now referred us to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. We may be getting her some tubes installed to start the year off. We will wait and see what the specialist says. In looking back, the writing was probably on the wall since birth. She wasn't able to have her hearing tested while in the hospital and we had to go see some specialists to get more tests done. They suggested at that time that there might have just been some fluid that hadn't drained. Well, hello, that same non-draining could/would lead to an ear infection if it continues. Oh well, what can you do.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Virtual Etch-a-Sketch!!!!

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Happy New Year!!!!

Well it has been a couple of days since our last post. I would like to say that it is because we have been so busy we couldn't find time to do it but, that wouldn't be exactly true. Monday, James had to go into work for the better part of the day so that left Danielle home with the two kids. Monday night, we went over to a friends house for a small New Year's Party. With the dry conditions here in Texas, it turned into a night of listening to the fire department run all over the county as people with their fireworks tried to burn Kyle down. After the party, we came home and put the girls to bed. James ran out at 1:00 AM to help put fires out. Most of the fires had been extingushed by that time so he was home a relative early, 3:30 AM. Tuesday was a day that was supposed to be full of rest but, Abigail came down with some stomach bug that kept her up and sick all day. After nursing her through the day, it was back to work/school for everyone on Wednesday.

At any rate, I thought it was time to change the background on the blog and wish you all a very Happy New Year. Danielle really likes this background. I think it is because it combines her favorite colour du jour (chocolate brown) with some pretty flowers. If I could get the flowers to come out pink, we would probably never change the background again. Anyway, I have to give credit to the website where we get the backgrounds from. If you are blogging, myspacing, or just about anything else, they have something for you there. Enjoy.