Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tubes For The New Year

Well Megan can't seem to get rid of her ear infection(s). Our doctor has now referred us to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. We may be getting her some tubes installed to start the year off. We will wait and see what the specialist says. In looking back, the writing was probably on the wall since birth. She wasn't able to have her hearing tested while in the hospital and we had to go see some specialists to get more tests done. They suggested at that time that there might have just been some fluid that hadn't drained. Well, hello, that same non-draining could/would lead to an ear infection if it continues. Oh well, what can you do.


The Cruz Family said...

Poor baby. Ear infections are the worst, they are so miserable. Didn't Danielle have tubes back in the day? Hope the procedure goes well and that it makes a world of difference!

The Cruz Family said...

Poor baby! We've had our share of the ear infections and they do suck. Hope the procedure goes well and makes a world of difference. Didn't Danielle have tubes back in the day?