Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our kids have very different ideas of fun!!

Here the two girls are. The youngest one crawled into Abby's closet and found the car. Here she is looking at us as if to say, "what's the problem? I found a cool toy and I'm playing with it. I don't care if I am trapped in the closet." The oldest one has somehow gotten the idea that she is only pretty if she has on pretty clothes. As much as I tried to talk her out of putting the dress on, and I really couldn't come up with a good excuse as to why she couldn't wear the clothes that she wanted to, she finally won. She did this all by herself. Tights, dress, shoes, and she even changed her panties. As all you women out there would surely testify to, you can't have a pretty dress on if you don't have clean panites (lets keep this G rated, please). I guess they both found something that has made them happy so that is all that matters.
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1 comment:

Donna Baker said...

SOO funny and I agree with Abigail about the panties *wink* love the surprised look on Megan's face!